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What is Kubernetes?

Cloud Services / Dynamics / IT Transformation / Technology Advisory

What is Kubernetes?

“Kubernetes” commonly known as k8s is a Greek word which means helmsman or pilot, originally developed by Google, is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, playing a key role within the world of cloud applications combines with cloud optimization tools. In this blog, we will shed light on this Container Orchestration system, a tool that ease the automation and declarative configuration. So, to understand Kubernetes we first need to understand the “Containers”.

Source: Platform9


In 2013, Docker introduced Containers building on existing virtualization technologies. Container allows one to quickly move software from one computing environment into another. Containers are Integral to modern DevOps framework. As containers are complex entities so they need to be managed here comes the Kubernetes in the scenario as a rescue to manage the containers. It eases the efficient management of clusters of containers.  Kubernetes clusters can work across multiple environments, including on-premises, public, private, or hybrid clouds making Kubernetes an ideal hosting platform to manage cloud-native applications that rely on rapid, real-time scaling.


How Kubernetes work?

The base of the Kubernetes architecture consists of containers which form into clusters where Kubernetes environment are configured. Every node in every cluster deployed as the master node. In a highly available Kubernetes clusters, there are typically 3 master nodes to ensure that the cluster can be contacted and continues to operate even if a master node fails. Worker nodes are tasked with a running workload. Once everything is running then the master node sends instructions for worker nodes and after completing these instructions the worker nodes stand up container accordingly.


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