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Rise of Immersive Technologies !

Cloud Services / Dynamics / IT Transformation / Technology Advisory

Rise of Immersive Technologies !


Recent pandemic has raised the immediate need for digital transformation, increasing the interest in immersive technology as a solution for face-to-face interaction. When we talk about immersive technology, many think of just gaming and entertainment. So, is it just a buzz word or a hype created? In fact, these technologies are already being used in many industries and now quickly penetrating the consumer market. According to Gartner- “70% of enterprises will look up to immersive technologies as promising solution, whereas 25% will actually deploy them for production by 2022”. This clearly states that immersive technology has created new opportunity for businesses to solve problems and dig into more innovation. Now the question arises, what is immersive technology? Before explaining this technology lets us see that what does immersive mean? And what makes something immersive? “Immersive” means involving by deep absorption or immersion in something such as an activity or a real or an artificial environment. (Merriam-Webster) and this “immersion” is an illusion of being physically present in a digital or simulated environment.

What is Immersive Technology? 

Immersive technology is the blending of physical world with the non- physical world. This technology enables user to interact with simulated objects fading the line between the real world and artificial world. It includes Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality,360 and Extended reality. This technology extends the reality leveraging the 360-sphere enabling user to look in any direction and see content. Businesses are incorporating immersive technology in their strategy to grasp advantages that it can bring to the company. AR, MR and VR headsets, 3D displays, 3D audio, gesture recognition, spatial sensing, speech recognition, haptics, drones, cameras, and omnidirectional treadmills are some examples of immersive technologies. Today, Immersive Technology has many different applications and can be used by companies and consumers alike in various ways.

Benefits of using Immersive Technology in business:

  • By adopting immersive technology companies can establish themselves different by connecting with customers and keeping the focus on the customer experience. Immersive technology has the potential to connect the customers physically which can enhance business brand engagement.
  • Companies can use the emotional power of immersive technology that helps to establish the company unique from others with the help of emotional responses to customers.
  • By adopting immersive technology, companies can remarkably increase the product design and development in less time.
  • Can develop training programme for employees as an objective to increase the retention of knowledge.
  • Can also improve productivity and make workplace safer if they are embraced in the daily work routines.
  • This technology can also help the companies to attract and retain best talent with the tools to work together efficiently.



 Immersive technology has the ability and power to streamline the business in innovative ways. We have seen the impact of this technology on customer experience but there are still so much to uncover in the world of immersive technologies. Technological advances in the past few years have moved this technology from niche to mainstream. Businesses are integrating immersive technology into their operations to robust success in remote environment. It would be right if we say that Immersive technology is here to stay.




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