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Case Study

Oracle Cloud PPM –  Budget Integration and Approval Solution for Top Down Budgets

Oracle Cloud PPM– Budget Integration and Approval Solution for Top Down Budgets


The key priority of the project was to provide a consolidated budget approval process to the Client.

Ravinder Kulsari

A leading food Company based out of UAE needed help to support their top-down budget process. The client already had Oracle Cloud EPM solution implemented. Their program budgets are approved by top management within the Oracle EPM. These programs are executed in phased manner and each of this execution phases had separate budget allocated from the Program budget.

As a part of Client’s decision to implement Oracle Cloud PPM solution, the client needed a solution to Interface the Program budgets to PPM Module as a consolidated parent budget and design an approval process for the budgets for the phased activities.


Our solution

The Client’s Program budgets are approved by a group of stakeholders in EPM. As the programs are executed in a phased manner, the first requirement was to interface the EPM (Program) budget to Oracle cloud PPM as originally Approved budget for the entire program.
“Import Project Budgets” FBDI feature was used to interface the EPM budget to PPM module. The APIs were used to populate budget data from the EPM.
Another requirement was to design the budget approval process in a way that, the execution budget approval happens on the basis of estimated cost for that specific phase of the program independent of already completed phases.
Budget Approval Workflow was designed in a way to:
1. Follow amount-based approval hierarchy.
2. Allow first two budget versions bypass the approval logic and get auto approved/baselined.
The approval process should follow an Approval hierarchy for Budget Approvals depending on the amount slabs.
Solution proposed was to create the two separate budget versions from EPM:
1. Version one created with budget amounts equals to EPM budget and is designated as “Original Baseline budget”
2. Version two created with “ZERO” cost budgets amounts. This budget is designated as “Current Baseline budget”
Any new budget version created in PPM by the project Managers for each of the execution phase followed the workflow approval process, Levels of Approvals needed was determined by calculating Budget/Estimated Amount for the Current Execution Phase = Current Working Version Amount - Current Baseline Amount


Solution resulted in an automated integration for Program budgets between Oracle Cloud EPM and PPM modules.
Oracle Cloud PPM is a central system for Project Planning, Estimation and Project progress tracking yet Project Managers have access to Program level budget Information within PPM and do not need any access to EPM.
The Budget Workflow approval design enabled the Client to have Phased Project approval thereby helping them bypass unnecessary approval levels. This also helped Project managers initiate project execution quickly without having to wait for approvals from top management for smaller budget amounts.

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