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Evolution of IoT and its impact in real world.

Cloud Services / Dynamics / IT Transformation / Technology Advisory

Evolution of IoT and its impact in real world.

Internet of things is not a concept; It is a network, the true technology enabled network of all networks.”- Edewede Oriwoh.

Evolution of IoT in world:

The IoT consists of a huge network of Internet connected things and devices. IoT or Internet of things includes numerous connected gadgets or devices (such as smartphones, laptops, smart electric appliances, smart office equipment) that exchanges data over a network which can be remotely observed and controlled. The evolution of IoT started was started with the first connected network ARPANET. In the early 1982 a modified coco cola vending machine at Carnegie Mellon University reporting its inventory and whether loaded drinks were cold or not become the first connected device. The concept of “Internet of things” appeared in the speech by Peter. T. Lewis. According to Lewis, “The Internet of Things, or IoT, is the integration of people, processes and technology with connectable devices and sensors to enable remote monitoring, status, manipulation and evaluation of trends of such devices.” In 1990 John Romkey developed a toaster considered to be a first IoT device – the first “thing” that started the term Internet of things. Kevin Ashton of Proctor and Gamble viewed Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Essential to the Internet of things. When Tim Bernes-Lee introduced the framework of World Wide Web in 1989, the new system of Internet of things was facilitated.

Cisco Systems estimated that the IoT was “born” between 2008 and 2009, with the things/people ratio growing from 0.08 in 2003 to 1.84.In 2010. In March 2008, the first IoT conference was held at Zurich to facilitate sharing of knowledge. In 2011 Gartner stated IoT as an emerging technology on the rise. In 2013 IDC report predicted IoT market to grow at CAGR of 7.9%and reach USD 8.9 trillion by 2020.

Impact of IoT in real world in action in real world:

-Data Analytics can be a burdensome and time-consuming job. Many businesses are turning to adopting IoT applications which are making the analysis process much faster and efficient.

-Smart farming has improved the farming efficiency and become less labour intensive too. With IoT technology, farmers are tracking the weather, soil and other natural happenings which impact their crops.

-IoT applications are using RFID( Radio Frequency Identification)  in healthcare field to treat cancer patient effectively.  Trackers with IoT devices are helping to monitor glucose level in diabetes patient. In healthcare IoT is making immense efforts in helping patient and doctors and their well beings.

-In the field of manufacturing IoT is helping small and large industries through their inventory management which track and manage their assets making the supply chain processes much easier.

– IoT had benefitted smart homeowners in the unit of security. IoT are connected to devices and locks to alert you of unauthorized access. IoT security cameras provide you updates about your home and the people inside.


Internet of things is a vital thing for the people of digital age. We are appreciating the role of IoT applications in various fields which are making the life better and more efficient. In a few short years, we are ready to become more connected with the potential and capabilities of IoT. 


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