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Mixed Reality: The Panorama for Tomorrow!

Cloud Services / Dynamics / IT Transformation / Technology Advisory

Mixed Reality: The Panorama for Tomorrow!

“Mixed reality is the result of blending the physical world with the digital world.”- Microsoft

You must have heard of the term “Mixed Reality” used in relation to Augmented and Virtual Reality. It is a next move in the digital world changing the way we communicate, buy and live. So, what is “Mixed Reality”? In a simple word here the real world and virtual world are interweaved with each other which means, you have connection with the real world as well as the virtual world. Mixed reality is sometimes referred as hybrid reality or extended reality. Microsoft HoloLens and Lenovo Explorer are the example of mixed reality. The term Mixed Reality was introduced in a 1994 paper by Paul Milgram and Fumio Kishino, “A Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual Displays. The paper introduced the view that mixed reality is a spectrum that include AR and VR as well as new technologies. Since then, the application of Mixed Reality included environmental understanding, human understanding, spatial sound, Locations and positioning in both physical and virtual spaces, Collaboration on 3D assets in mixed reality spaces.


There are two type of devices that allows Mixed Reality experience: Holographic devices and Immersive VR devices. There is no doubt that mixed reality is the outcome of technological advancements allowing digital content to interact with the real-world objects and human to interact with digital objects. Big data, cloud computing and advanced Artificial Intelligence are making mixed reality capability more affordable and radically changing human computer interaction. Industry expert predicts that mixed reality will become a $1.2-6.9 billion global industry by 2024. From gaming to movies, the uses of mixed reality are expanding.


Mixed Reality Products:

-Windows mixed reality offers a variety of products powered by windows 10 and UWP.

-Microsoft is also experimenting with Mixed Reality Touch a software that uses HoloLens to allow flat surfaces to be used as input devices.

– Microsoft Edge browser and Mozilla Firefox Reality browser have developed with mixed reality.

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