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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the workforce.

Cloud Services / Dynamics / IT Transformation / Technology Advisory

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the workforce.

In our business, we talk about emerging technologies    and how they impact society. We have never seen a technology move as fast as AI has to impact society and technology. This is by far the fastest moving technology that we have ever tracked in terms of its impact, and we are just getting started.”-Paul Daugherty.

There is no doubt that AI is changing the future and is here to stay. It is impacting the future of industries and human being too by acting as a technological innovator. One common misconception about AI is that Robots will replace the humans by taking away their jobs.  While AI is enhancing business with big changes, it is a certainly a negative view that Artificial Intelligence will lead to massive unemployment. This blog is an optimistic view on how AI make it possible for people and computer together to do things that was never done before. A key focus of this blog will be on the impact AI will have on employment.

Impact on workforce:

Focus on augmenting people, not replacing them. Despite concerns, AI is not all about reducing labor costs, and organizations that approach the technology in this manner stand to miss out on real gains. Instead, early AI projects should focus on enabling employees to pursue higher value activities.”- Falguni Desai.

PwC predicts that robotics, AI and smart automation have the potential to contribute more than $15 trillion towards the global gross domestic product by 2030, generating demand for more jobs. This prediction is stating that Robots will not replace any jobs rather they will reshape the type of work humans will rely on. It is understandable that vulnerabilities do exist for job loss due to automation and robotics, but the fear is certainly unfounded. Being in the tech industry I clearly see that AI as an innovative technology is changing the nature of our work. Robots will not take all the jobs rather they will create the new ones. This is the future of our work which society must adopt wisely.

The brighter side for our human workforce is that, by automating tedious and repetitive task, jobs can concentrate on much higher-level skills. AI based systems and humans will certainly going to collaborate to robust the growth of the companies. Over the long term, more jobs will be created and old one will be redefined. AI will open the opportunities for people to have focus on their skill set by executing the tedious, and dangerous tasks itself. AI will indeed help to augment the work and the workload, empowering the human factor to perform better. A report from the World Economic Forum estimated that AI would create a net total of 97 million new jobs by 2025. million new jobs by 2025.

Sectors that will be impacted:


-Electronic Commerce

-Legal profession

– Financial services and Insurance

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