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Mobile app or Web app: which is better?

Cloud Services / Dynamics / IT Transformation / Technology Advisory

Mobile app or Web app: which is better?

An app is considered as the fastest route to robust growth of any organisation. Now what is an app? An app is a software program that runs on a platform. There are two kinds of apps: Mobile Apps and Web Apps. Organisations often falls into the dilemma of choosing a right medium to reach target customers. There are situations like budget constraint in which an organisation must choose between the mobile app or web app for their business. There is a common misconception that mobile apps and web apps are the same, but they are differently developed and deployed. So, it would be useful to differentiate between the mobile apps and web apps.

What is mobile App?

Mobile apps which have become part of our daily routines, are built on specific platforms like android and iOS. They are downloadable and installed through an app store or marketplace and have access to the device resources and features like the camera function or GPS. Mobile app may work Offline. A mobile app can be made into Native and Hybrid mobile app. Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Google map are some of the famous mobile apps.

What is Web App?

Web apps are not downloadable and are not native to any system. They are accessed through the Internet and will adopt to any device. The web application can span over multiple pages or be restricted on a single page. The GSuite from Google and Office 365 from Microsoft are some examples of web applications. Web apps need an active Internet connection to run. There is no need to update the web apps as they update themselves. To more clarify, a web app is essentially a website that is designed in a fluid manner, suitable for responding to being viewed on a mobile web browser.


Comparison between both:

Mobile Apps Web Apps

An average mobile user spends more time on mobile apps than the web apps.


Total time spend on Web application is larger than the Mobile application.


Supports complex functionalities


Rigid interface so cannot support complex functionalities


Updates must download and applied by the user itself


Updates are applied directly to the entire application

Need downloading and Installation


Does not involve downloading


Which to choose?

For choosing the right medium it is essential to know these basic differences. Moreover, you need to find a solution expert who can guide you on the right development platform. You should consider which of these technologies discussed best suits your target audience. If you are not sure whether to choose a mobile app or web app then you should contact an experienced development company.


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