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Is ReactJs and React Native same?

Cloud Services / Dynamics / IT Transformation / Technology Advisory

Is ReactJs and React Native same?


React Native is very much like ReactJs in a way but there are differences which one should be aware of before starting the first native app. Before comparing ReactJs vs React Native for your robust web development process.  First let us dive into and find out the small history of both.

Jordan Walke, engineer at Facebook developed ReactJs in 2011 for the newsfeed section and it was released to the public in May 2013. Facebook again develops the React Native in 2013 for its project Hackathon. In March 2015 Facebook announced React Native to be opened and available on GitHub. React Native is initially developed for iOS application but it now supports Android operating system too. So, this is how the world witnessed the emergence of the two potential and powerful technologies in the digital scenario. Let us see exactly what are these two terms means?

What is ReactJs?

ReactJs is an open- source JavaScript library which supports both frontend and server, used to create user Interfaces for mobile apps and websites. ReactJs is responsible for view layer of any application.  ReactJs is made of two parts first is components (showcase HTML code and what you want to see in UI) and the second one is HTML document (where all components are rendered). Facebook developed ReactJs as a response to their need dynamic and high-performance user Interface (UI). Blazing speed with DOM (Document Object Model), Component based Architecture which saves time, ReactJs gives power boost to SEO, huge ecosystem of developer tools are the features of ReactJs that make it unique.


What is React Native?

React Native is an open- source JavaScript framework which uses only JavaScript to build a cross-platform mobile app for iOS, Android, and windows. It uses native components instead of web components as building blocks which targets mobile platform instead of the browser. With React Native you build a real mobile app that is different from an app built using objective-C or Java. React Native a platform -specific code, do quick application development, hot reloading, gives smother UI experience are the feature that make its USP. Facebook released React Native after the release of ReactJs.

Comparison between ReactJs and React Native:


ReactJs React Native
Develops web application.


Develops mobile application.
Platform Independent.


 Takes effort to be executed on all platforms.
Uses a JavaScript library and CSS for animations. Built-in amination libraries.
 Can use code components which saves lot of time Can reuse React Native UI components and modules
Provides high security Provides low security as compared to ReactJs.
Virtual DOM renders the browser code Uses its API to render code for mobile applications.
Uses HTML Tags Does not use HTML Tags



Source: (


Famous application backed by both:


Instagram, Netflix, Airbnb

React Native

Uber eats, SoundCloud Pulse, Bloomberg


Which is better ReactJs or React Native? According to us both are equally important for mobile and web development and both work in parallel and are not rivals, they complement each other. Both have their pros and cons. What you need is to do deep research, then gain the knowledge to make a better and informed decision to match your business objective and wants.


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