The global pandemic scenario has forced all the businesses to adopt the new raised reality which have not just affected health system but also isolated our daily routine life. Moreover, over the few years we all have seen rise of innovative technologies on the verge. Artificial Intelligence, e-commerce, Internet of things technologies were already popular on the technology trends radar. But the rapidly adoption of innovative technologies in the conservative field of healthcare and education was unexpected. Prediction of digital connectivity have become the center point of our daily routine life. Today when we are eagerly waiting for returning to our workplaces. We all wonder which of these technologies are here to stay and will stand test of time? Here are few technologies trends from 2021 that experts think are likely to stay here amidst of recent development.
Trend 1 Remote Work and Virtual Workplace:
It’s a fact that workforce have responded positively for the trend of “WFH”, but the employers have also seen the advantages of Convenience of “WFH” life such as cut down on office space and upkeep costs. According to our Future of Enterprises report, 60 percent of decision makers are very satisfied with the ability to cut down on office space, with 43 percent strongly believing they will have no office at all by 2030. According to one survey, half of the respondents gave a signal that they want virtual presence at work from anywhere. Imagine these digital workplaces where you can work easily from the comfort of your home. Many teach giants including the Twitter and Facebook are proposing more work from home permanently post Covid. So, it is agreed that future of work is remote, and business is changed forever now.
Trend 2 Online Learning
As the rise of global pandemic over 1.6 billion children in 195 countries around the world has send to the home as schools were closed. Besides video conferencing tools, others digital services such as learning apps, virtual tutoring and e-learning software have seen high surge in demand. According to OECD, 95 percent of students in Switzerland, Norway, and Austria have a computer to use for their schoolwork, compared to only 34 percent in Indonesia. And in the US, virtually all 15-year-olds from a privileged background said they had a computer to work on, while nearly a quarter of those from disadvantaged backgrounds did not. Once students return to their classroom, the connectivity for education has become more important. It is essential to improve educational opportunities via technologies.
Trend 3 Telehealth
As accepted healthcare industry is the most conservative field when it comes to IT and digital technology adoption. However, the global pandemic has proved the telehealth technologies as a pivot tool which help in avoiding the spread of viruses via tracking, testing, and treating. Telehealth has also provided other ways to reply to the challenges of providing health services at home, via video conferencing, e-mail, or smartphone apps. Recent insights from an Ericsson Consumer Lab study revealed that devices and the internet had helped 90 percent of seniors surveyed during the pandemic. So, there is no doubt that these advances were beneficial for the senior citizens specifically. A study also concluded that pandemic has pressurized healthcare industry to adopt established telehealth more firmly. This is indeed a revolutionary step in transforming the future of medicines.
Trend 4 Contactless Technology
Contactless technology is explaining the customer experience post pandemic from touch free payments to biometric- checks. These safe and accepted convenient innovative methods have been made possible with more advanced processors and memory chips, better image sensors, smarter AI, and faster communications networks, all of which continue to be in improvement too. virtual and augmented reality will fundamentally change our everyday lives in areas including education, work, social interaction, travel, and retail.
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