An app is an important market strategy for any business whether it is big, small, or medium size organization. An app which depicts the online presence can add to your brand equity and bring more profits to you. It is not surprise that in some businesses online mode of orders had crossed the offline traffic years back. In the year 2020 when covid-19 forces everyone to change the way we live and operates then on-demand mobile apps powered by the mobile Internet and logistic came to rescue in the scenario. As we open in 2021 People will certainly go out and physically do the buying but for the comfort of convenience and ease which has now become the habit of our busy lifestyle, therefore on -demand apps are not going away. So, in 2021 and beyond, it will be significantly important to operate a successful business with the help of on-demand apps.
Many organizations and service providers are investing in cutting edge mobile apps solution which is helping them to get their services & products reach the right customers, whenever they demand, wherever they demand. On-demand workforce market is set to grow at 18.5% CAGR for the next five year till 2024. According to Harvard Business Review, the on-demand economy is on the rise, with more than 22.4 million consumers spending around $57.6 billion. Another startling fact is that around 49% of the on-demand consumers are Millennials, which indicates that the wealthy class is spending more on these apps. It is a booming Industry and surpassing all business models.
What are On-demand apps?
On-demand apps work as an intermediary between a customer and a business. These apps are Instantaneous problem solvers and offer the best possible solution to various issues faced by the people all over the world. On-demand mobile apps are digital marketplaces offering users instant access to service, products and information which are designed to on-board multiple provider who offer fast delivery. Most famous examples of on-demand marketplaces are Amazon, Uber, Airbnb, Uber eats, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Washio, Filld, Coursera, which are providing a host of products and services to the users. Many traditional sectors such as hotels, restaurants and education have successfully transitioned themselves to this online on-demand business model. The customers are the quickest to adopt the changes for their robust growth. The convenience of doorstep delivery, best quality, secure online payments, cashback & discounts, and notifications & ratings gave the real power in the hands of consumers.
Types of On-demand Apps:
Main Features of on-demand apps making them popular:
Some successful On-demand apps are-
Final words:
On-demand app has altered the way in this consumer-oriented world. There is no doubt that the future of On-demand apps is extremely bright. So, our advice is to don’t wait up when you have the opportunity to get the prominent on-demand app in the market. Make sure to have out of box ideas and a right guidance to build and develop an on-demand app.
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