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DEI focused thought leadership


DEI focused thought leadership

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in business are the three important values that we believe in. Our leaders come from different backgrounds, race and ethnicity and they promote the same culture across the organization with a top to down approach. These values are hence formed a part of social responsibility of our organization.


Diversity, equity, and inclusion are related but distinct concepts that are often used together to create a more fair and welcoming environment, whether in workplaces, educational settings, or communities. Here’s a breakdown of each term:

  1. Diversity refers to the presence of differences within a given setting. This includes differences in race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, religion, and other dimensions. In essence, diversity is about the mix of people and perspectives. The goal of promoting diversity is to ensure that various perspectives and experiences are represented and valued, leading to a richer and more dynamic environment.
  2. Equity involves fairness and justice in processes and opportunities. It means recognizing that everyone has different needs and circumstances and providing resources and support to ensure that everyone can achieve similar outcomes. Equity is about leveling the playing field and addressing systemic barriers that might disadvantage certain groups. In practice, equity aims to create conditions where everyone can thrive by acknowledging and addressing inequalities and disparities, rather than assuming that everyone starts from the same place.
  3. Inclusion is about creating an environment where all individuals feel respected, valued, and have the opportunity to contribute and participate fully. Inclusion involves actively fostering a culture where diverse individuals are integrated into decision-making processes and where their voices are heard. Inclusion ensures that diversity is not just present but also actively integrated and that all individuals can thrive and contribute to their fullest potential.


Diversity – We strongly believe that diversity brings in variety to our business. People from varied backgrounds bring with them different experiences and outlook towards problem solving and hence adding to innovation and their productivity. Diverse teams can adapt faster to the changes as their varied experiences help them manage changes successfully.

Equity – Through equity we foster fair, supportive and productive environment. This helps in improving employee morale and engagement. And these eventually result in talent retention as employees feel motivated and committed. Employees who feel that they are fairly treated and have job satisfaction are more inclined to support their colleagues and their team resulting in enhanced productivity. This also makes employees transparent about their needs and challenges. By providing them the necessary resources and breaking barriers, we help them achieve their full potential which leads to enhanced performance and output.

Inclusion -When employees are included in decision making and important events, they develop a sense of belonging. This encourages open communication between the management and teams where everyone feels valued and respected when they share ideas. Inclusion contributes to a positive and respectful workplace culture.

In practice, these concepts work together to promote a more equitable and supportive environment. Diversity focuses on representation, equity on fairness in opportunities, and inclusion on creating a sense of belonging and engagement for everyone.

  1. Policy and Practice: Develop and enforce policies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in hiring, promotion, and daily operations.
  2. Training and Education: Offer DEI training to raise awareness and build skills related to these concepts.
  3. Continuous Assessment: Regularly evaluate DEI initiatives to ensure effectiveness and make improvements as needed.
  4. Support Structures: Establish support networks and resources, such as mentorship programs and employee resource groups, to foster a more inclusive culture.