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Data integration in Data Analytics: Importance, Benefits, and tools!

Cloud Services / Dynamics / IT Transformation / Technology Advisory

Data integration in Data Analytics: Importance, Benefits, and tools!

Data Integration

“This is a tricky domain because, unlike a simple arithmetic to solve a problem- and in particular to perform Integration-you have to be smart about which Integration techniques should be used: Integration by partial fractions, Integration by parts, and so on”-Marvin Minsky

Organization generates huge amount of data in their day-to-day operations. Collecting huge amount of data is not a difficult task but to properly integrate that precious data is a challenge somehow. Now what is Integration? As the name suggests “Integration” refers to the process of uniting or combining different things. According to Wikipedia- “Data Integration involves combining data residing in different sources and providing users with a unified view of them”. Its role is to provide better, and actionable view based on the whole of the organization’s data assets. Through the information of “Data Integration” Business applications can obtain vital business insights that can robust its growth.

The purpose of data Integration is to:

-manage the data complexities and delivery of data to any system easily

-making data more easily available for sharing, innovation and collaboration

-make smarter business decisions with data Integrity.

-Significantly save time by reducing errors and rework.

Data Integration methods can be categorized into three types:




Benefits of Data Integration:

  • Significant advantage is enabling different analytical tools to generate more effective and actionable business Intelligence.
  • Data will be cleaned up and replicated in one system for analysis.
  • Data Integration implements master data management involving broad range of data cleansing, transformation and Integration process.
  • With a complete view of customer with their data, organization will be in best positions to improve their customer experience.
  • With data visualization (graphical representation of data) opportunity for analysis become endless.
  • With a single application company can derive precise information of any department.
  • Company can customize its functions according to the requirement of the company.

Choosing the right Data Integration tool:

The step of finding the right tool is to check three key areas-

-Whether the company size is small and medium or is its big enterprise? As noted, SMB tends towards to cloud based services and big enterprises like hybrid applications

-What is the source of your data? Is it structured or unstructured data?

-Integration can do standard task and specialized task and devising a strategies can only accomplish it.


Let’s sum up by saying this that many organizations are gaining from investing in the data Integration tools. Quickly book data Integration experts to discuss how can they help.

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